Friday, November 22, 2013

November 11th is a day that I will never forget. My doc comes in and after a little small talk, tells me that the biopsies were malignant. You have breast cancer. I don't remember much after that, I started crying and just could not get myself to stop. I looked at my hubby to see if he was okay, and he just looked shocked and heartbroken.  How did it get to this?  I go in for mammograms every 6 months and the films from April didn't show a thing, not even a shadow. Now I have Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade 3, stage IIIa , ER-/PR- and HER2-. It is also in my lymph nodes. Can this be real? I must be having a nightmare, this happens to other people, not to me!

Fast forward to the 20th. I got my CT scan and Bone scan. I am having an echo cardiogram today to make sure that my heart is strong enough to start chemo. A PET scan is scheduled for sometime next week.  I won't know that results of these tests until Monday when I see my medical oncologist. I just keep hoping that the cancer has not spread, despite it being an aggressive little shit.

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